Thursday, April 30, 2015

this essay though?

     What are we working on in  English? We are working on an essay that is on a very sensitive topic. The essay is on how in A Midsummer Night's Dream how gender plays a major role in the story. It shows how women are being under represented during the Shakespearean era. It was really interesting to find out that many of the roles women play was acted out by men. Gender is a major issue across the world.
     In A Midnight Summer's Dream expose the concept of parents choosing who the women should marry. For example, Hermia was almost forced to marry a man she did not love just because her father threatened her.
     If I was in Hermia's situation, I would really have to run away or something. I would refuse to marry a man that I do not love. If I had to choose between my father's love and a man I do not love.... Daddy you got to go. I love you,... but you have to go. You cannot mess up my life, and then be okay with me not being happy. I'm so happy that times have changed because I love the fact that I can make my own decisions and mistakes to learn from them in the best way possible.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Little Rascals

       When I was younger, the Little Rascals was one of my favorite movies. It is about a group of little boys and they're in a "gang". One of them however (Alfalfa) had  done what the rest of them were afraid to do. Alfalfa had fallen in love with a girl named Darla. They were so cute, and everything they did just made me smile. He would sing to her, and they would go on boat rides, which was really mature for their ages. Alfalfa's "gang" leader Spanky didn't like that his friend likes girls, cause there was a strict no girls policy. So because Spanky really wanted them to break up, he sent some of his other friends to lie to Darla. Darla broke up with him, and Alfalfa did so much to get her back. Recently I watched it the other day for the first time in so many years. This time when I watched it, I watched it with a different perspective.
       I watched it this time realizing that everything those little kids did, teenagers do today. Today a guy can like a girl, and if his friends don't like her or her appearance then its bye to the girl. Today, for some reasons peoples opinions on others actually matter when it comes to relationships. This movie proves that people really need to grow up. If you think she's pretty, and you're friends are laughing cause you like her then they're not your real friends. You rule what happens.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Same subject, different topic

     I know that a class related response is usually about a response to something that we do in a class, but this blog goes a little bit deeper in class. Ms. Hudson is the best teacher to have for a physics class. She not only gives us extra help when its needed, but she actually has fun teaching our class. My learning process in that class tends to be difficult at times, but I accept the challenge for what it is because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Ms. Hudson seems to be just an ordinary old teacher for those who have not had her since 9th grade, but having her this year led me to be closer to her. It led for all of us to be closer to her.
    She actually reminds me of an older version of me, she's very unique and artistic and always seems to be at one with herself. She listens to peoples problems and she helps them look at negative things in such a beautiful light, kind of like a "hippie" at times. We both get frustrated with people who can't think positively for at least once. Even during class, while we're learning the laws of conservation of momentum or something she manages to brighten everyone's day. Even when she's having a rough day, she always manages to brighten everyone's day. Sometimes I think that she knows me more than I know me. I never cease to be amazed in that class.    
    Even though this didn't really explain something I learned, I just thought it'd be interesting to let everyone know why I really love this class.