Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Creativity and Wallflowers

     Some may say that their passion is music, some say their passion is sports. My passion is the one that ties every passion together: creativity. I would hate to live in a world where everyone or everything is the same. Everyone has their own style, talents, way of viewing the world. If we were without that I would never want to wake up in the morning. Like in my favorite book "The Perks of Being A Wallflower", the main character Charlie reminds me a lot of myself. He sees things that are strange, things he's never seen before. These strange things fascinate him because of the fact that its different, or creative. It shows him that its okay to not be like everyone else.
     Everything we know of derives from creativity. The beginning of a T.V. series starts with someone's idea for a show plot, laws come from ideas of everyday people, every singer has a different voice and sings for a different genre of music. Dancers create their own choreography, just like basketball coaches create the team plays. These ideas all come from someones creative state of mind. The English language is creative itself. Creativity surrounds us from the day we are born throughout the rest of our lives, and it helped  us to develop into the society that we are today.  That is why creativity is my passion.


  1. I like how your passion is creativity! I would love to learn how to make a dress, create one and make all kinds of different designs.

  2. I'm starting a knitting club if you want to see if your creativity expands in that direction as well!

  3. I like that you label yourself a wallflower. Even though some may look at it as you being a loner or a loser but i think that it means your different. It is good to be different.

  4. I really like the fact that you like being different and don't like things that are the same. I feel the same way. If everything was alike in the world life would just be dull and boring.
